
Saturday, July 21, 2012

GCAmTour-Houston, Walden on Lake Conroe Tournament Results

Walden on Lake Conroe shows its difficulty as GCAmTour Tournament Players struggle with difficult conditions.  The tournament saw some of the highest scoring of the season, a result of thick rough, small greens, and tight fairways.

The Course:  Walden on Lake Conroe Country Club, Montgomery, TX.  The course was in very good condition with green fairways and DEEP rough.  The greens were good, with grain, and running medium-fast around 9.5-10.

The Weather:  A beautiful day for golf if you like it HOT and HUMID!  Mostly clear sky all day, not many clouds, mostly sunshine.  Temperatures were in the 70’s in the morning and warmed up to the high 90’s in the afternoon, heat index over 100.  The winds were light most of the day from the SSW, 5-8 mph.   

The Tournament: 

Championship Flight:  Top 5:  Rich Vigil (80), Chad Carroll (81), Eric Strine (82), Travis Nichols (83), Adam Kuzinski (84). 
Rich Vigil captured his third victory of the season and qualified for Nationals in the process.  Vigil also defended his Senior Palmer victory from last season.  Vigil’s round of 80 was good by one stroke over the field and included thirteen pars.  Chad Carroll finished with runner up honors and round of 81.  Carroll carded ten pars and a birdie at the 2nd hole.  Eric Strine finished with third place honors and round of 82.  Strine carded eleven pars on the day.  Travis Nichols finished with fourth place honors and round of 83, one-stroke back.  Nichols carded five pars and birdies at holes 7, 13, and 15.  Adam Kuzinski finished fifth place, carding a round of 84.  Kuzinski had five pars and birdies at holes 1, 3, and 12.  

Palmer Flight:  Top 5:  Robert Santoski (78), Jan Peebles (83/36), Jeff Whitzel (83/43), Frank Wallace (83/45), Allan Collier (83/47).        
Robert Santoski took advantage of a late entry and some “home cooking” to capture his first tour victory by firing the low round of the tournament, 78.  Santoski carded seven pars and birdies at holes 3, 7, and 10.  Jan Peebles finished with runner up honors and round of 83/36.  Peebles had a slow start on the front nine but managed and even-par 36 on the back nine, carding ten pars and a birdie at the 13th hole.  Jeff Whitzel finished with third place honors and round of 83/43, including seven pars and a birdie at the 2nd hole.  Frank Wallace finished with fourth place honors and round of 83/45.  Wallace carded eleven pars on the round.  Allan Collier finished with fifth place honors and round of 83/47.  Collier started off “hot” with an even-par 36 front nine, but went “ice cold” on the back nine.  Collier had seven pars and birdies at holes 3 and 5.

Hogan Flight:  Top 5:  Roger Masek (83), Keith Storey (87), Chris Stavinoha (90), Haley Harris (92), Jeff Stahlhut (97/51/30).  
Roger Masek captured his second victory of the 2012 season, this time with a round of 83.  Masek also defended his Sarazen Flight victory from last season.  Masek’s round included ten pars and a birdie at the 6th hole.  Keith Storey finished with runner up honors and round of 87.  Storey carded five pars on the round.  Chris Stavinoha finished with third place honors and round of 90, including four pars and a birdie at the 4th hole.  Haley Harris finished with fourth place honors and round of 92.  Harris managed three pars and a birdie on “the triangle” at the 12th hole.  Jeff Stahlhut finished with fifth place honors and round of 97/51/30, including six pars and a birdie at the 2nd hole.

Senior Hogan Flight:  Top 5:  Bill Mathews (84), Daryl Epperson (85), Vernon Wells (87/40), Kevin Thidodeaux (87/45), Will Whitley (91/41).
Bill Mathews captured his sixth victory of the 2012, including major wins at WinStar and the Lake of the Ozarks Classic.  Mathews round of 84 was one stroke clear of the field and included six pars and birdies at holes 9, 12, and 13.  Daryl Epperson finished with runner up honors and round of 85.  Epperson carded eight pars on the day.  Vernon Wells finished with third place honors and round of 87/40.  Wells started slow and finished strong, carding six pars and a birdie at the 12th hole.  Kevin Thibodeaux finished with fourth place honors and round of 87/45, including five pars and a birdie at the 10th hole.  Will Whitley finished with fifth place honors and round of 91/41.  Whitley carded three pars and a birdie at the 10th hole.

Sarazen Flight:  Top 5:  Thomas Kobayashi (86), Lahn Nguyen (90), Bruce Beakley (91), Bob Swann (92), Charles Tucker (94/46).
Thomas Kobayashi captured his third victory of the 2012 season and earned an exemption into the 2012 Nationals.  Kobayashi’s round of 86 was four strokes clear of the field and included seven pars.  Lahn Nguyen finished with runner up honors and round of 90.  Nguyen carded six pars and a birdie at the 2nd hole.  Bruce Beakley finished with third place honors and round of 91, carding five pars on the day.  Bob Swann, visiting from Pennsylvania Tour, captured fourth place honors with a round of 92.  Swann carded three pars and a birdie at the 17th hole.  Charles Tucker finished with fifth place honors and round of 94/46, carding five pars and a birdie at the #1 handicap hole, the par-4 8th.  

Jones Flight:  Top 5:  Michael Bell (96), Mike Innes (97), Mark Boles (98/47), Neil MacDonald (98/48), Rich Kelley (100).
Michael Bell captured his third victory of the 2012 and earned an exemption into the 2012 Nationals.  Bell’s round of 96 was one stroke clear of the field and included two pars and birdies at holes 4, 9, and 14.  Mike Innes finished with runner up honors and round of 97.  Innes carded one par on his round.  Mark Boles finished with third place honors and round of 98/47, carding a par at the 14th hole.  Neil MacDonald finished with fourth place honors and round of 98/48.  MacDonald managed three pars on the day.  Rich Kelley returned to tour play and finished with fifth place honors and round of 100.  Kelley carded six pars on the round. 

Snead Flight:  Alan Brumley (101), Rick Hagel (104), Tim Thayer (106), Javier Quintero (109/55), Ron Nelms (109/58).   
Alan Brumley followed up his victory on the Hill Country Tour last week at La Cantera’s Palmer Course with a victory at Walden on Lake Conroe.  Two in a row!  Brumley’s round of 101 included a par at the 16th hole.  Rick Hagel finished with runner up honors and round of 104.  Hagel carded two pars and a birdie at the 12th hole.  Tim Thayer finished with third place honors and round of 106.  Thayer carded three pars on the day.  Javier Quintero followed his victory at La Cantera with a fourth place finish at Walden.  Quintero’s round of 109/55 included three pars.  Ron Nelms finished with fifth place honors and round of 109/58.  Nelms carded two pars on the round.

In addition to the flight winners, the following players won the skills challenges:

Closest to the pin ($120.00 each)
#4, Chris Stavinoha
#6, Keith Storey
#12, Adam Kuzinski
#14, Rich Vigil
#17, Carl Eaton

Skins Winners Champ/Palmer/Hogan:  $75.00 each
Chris Stavinoha, #4
Roger Masek, #6
Travis Nichols, #7
Tino Flores, #11

Skins Winners Sarazen/Jones/Snead:  $55.00 each
Michael Bell, #4
Charles Tucker, #8
Kyle Young, #11
Rick Hagel, #12
Michael Bell, #14
Robert Swann, #17

Prize Winners

Golf Galaxy Gift Card $50, NC
Golf Galaxy Gift Card $50, Michael Bell
Bridgestone Golf Balls, Lu Cormier
Bridgestone Golf Balls, Vernon Wells

50/50 Raffle:
Doyle Wofford, $140.00

Flight Payoffs:


Championship (6)

1st - Gift Certificate

2nd - Gift Certificate

Palmer (10)

1st - Gift Certificate

2nd - Gift Certificate

3rd - Gift Certificate

Hogan (7)

Senior Hogan (11)

1st - Gift Certificate

1st - Gift Certificate
2nd - Gift Certificate

2nd - Gift Certificate

3rd - Gift Certificate

Sarazen (13)

1st - Gift Certificate

2nd - Gift Certificate

3rd - Gift Certificate

Jones (17)

1st - Gift Certificate

2nd - Gift Certificate

3rd - Gift Certificate

4th - Gift Certificate

Snead (11)

1st - Gift Certificate

2nd - Gift Certificate

3rd - Gift Certificate



Golf Galaxy Gift Cards

Golf Galaxy

Golf Galaxy

Bridgestone Balls

Bridgestone Balls


Closest to Pins


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