
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

GCAmTour-Houston, The Woodlands Player Course Tournament Results

GCAmTour-Houston golfers fight strong winds and fast greens at The Woodlands Player Course on May 10, 2011. 

The Course:  The Woodlands Player Signature Course, The Woodlands, TX.  The course was in great condition, nice fairways, rough, and native areas.  The putting surfaces were smooth and fast, measured 11.75 as tested by the “Super” before the tournament.    

The Weather:  A beautiful day for golf with a lot of sunshine, mix clouds, and blue sky.  Temperatures were in the mid 70’s early in the morning and warmed up rapidly to near 94.  The winds were from the S throughout the day, 20-25mph.  The strong winds made the course difficult and fast.

The Tournament: 

Palmer Flight:  Top 5:  Frank Wallace (79), Stephen Bransburg III (81), Adam Anderson (82), Kevin Turner (82), Steve Smith (84).         
Frank Wallace won his third event of the season two strokes clear of the field with a round of 79.  Wallace had his iron game and putter working, carding six pars and birdies on holes 1, 4, 6, 11, and 16!  Stephen Bransburg III finished runner up with a round of 82, carding nine pars and a birdie at the 7th hole.  Adam Anderson finished third with a round of 82/40, including eight pars and birdies at holes 7 and 16.  Kevin Turner finished forth with a round of 82/44, carding six pars and birdie on the 2nd hole.  Steve Smith finished fifth place in his Palmer Flight debut.  Smith’s round of 84 included nine pars.

Senior Palmer Flight:  Top 5:  Robert Corbello (81), Roger Millican (81), David Anthony (85), David Jones (86), Traylor Sells (87).
“Sudden Death” Playoff determines the winner in the Senior Palmer Flight at The Woodlands Player Course.  Robert Corbello captured his second victory of the season with a par on first playoff hole, the difficult 18th.  Corbello carded a round of 81 in regulation play, including eight pars and birdies at holes 4 and 16.  Roger Millican made his tour debut with a runner up finish and round of 81.  Millican carded eight pars and birdies at holes 3 and 11.  David Anthony finished third place with a round of 85, carding eight pars.  David Jones finished just one stroke back with a round of 86, capturing forth place honors.  Jones carded eight pars on the day.  Traylor Sells finished fifth place with a round of 87, including six pars and a birdie at the 16th hole.

Hogan Flight:  Top 5:  Tray Parks (78), Blake Barnes (84), Graeme Cole (84), Shane Poston (85), Shawn Didear (87).
Tray Parks captured his first victory of the season with an impressive round of 78.  Parks was solid on his round, carding ten pars and birdies on holes 6 and 9.  Blake Barnes finished runner up with a round of 84/43/28/14, carding seven pars and birdies at holes 3 and 17.  Graeme Cole finished with third place honors and round of 84/43/28/15.  Cole carded six pars and birdies at holes 2 and 11.  Shane Poston made his tour debut with a forth place finish and round of 85.  Poston carded four pars and birdies at holes 7 and 11.  Shawn Didear finished fifth place with a round of 87, including seven pars and a birdie at the 3rd hole.   

Senior Hogan Flight:  Top 5:  Jim Mass (77), Michael Walker (79), Vernon Wells (82), Randy Hodges (85), George Carlisle (85).
Jim Mass captured his first victory of the season with his lowest tournament round of the year, 77.  Mass carded an impressive six pars and birdies at holes 6, 11, 13, and 17.  Michael Walker finished runner up just two strokes back and round of 79.  Walker carded ten pars and a birdie at the 16th hole.  Vernon Wells finished third place with a round of 82.  Wells round included eight pars and birdies at holes 5, 7, and 11.  Randy Hodges made his tour debut with a forth place finish and round of 85/40.  Hodges carded six pars and birdies at holes 12 and 14.  George Carlisle finished fifth place with a round of 85/42.  Carlisle carded five pars and a birdie at the 13th hole. 

Sarazen Flight:  Top 5:  Junior Fuentes (84), Greg Stubblefield (85), Jeff Greenwood (87), Gus Aldana (89), Paul Whitehead (90). 
Junior Fuentes captured his first tour victory by one stroke and round of 84.  Fuentes carded seven pars and birdies on holes 3 and 11.  Greg Stubblefield made his tour debut with a round of 85 and runner up finish.  Stubblefield carded nine pars on the day.  Jeff Greenwood captured third place honors with a round of 87.  Greenwood carded nine pars on the round.  Gus Aldana finished with forth place honors and round of 89.  Aldana carded three pars and a birdie at the 17th hole.  Paul Whitehead finished fifth place with a round of 90, including seven pars.

Senior Sarazen Flight:  Top 5:  Mark Kirby (85), Olan Benge (88), Larry Viktorin (89), John Scott (90), Mark Maddox (91).   
Mark Kirby captured his second victory of the season with a round of 85.  Kirby carded three pars and birdies at holes 2, 6, 13, and 17.  Olan Benge finished with runner up honors and round of 88.  Benge carded six pars and birdies at holes 4 and 6.  Larry Viktorin finished just one stroke back, taking third place honors.  Viktorin’s round of 89 included five pars and a birdie at the 6th hole.  John Scott finished forth place with a round of 90, including five pars and a birdie at the 7th hole.  Mark Maddox finished fifth place with a round of 91.  Maddox carded six pars and a birdie at the 11th hole. 

Jones Flight:  Top 5:  Roger Masek (83), Alan Brumley (92), Jason Hollis (93, Lee Isham (93), William Senne (93).
Roger Masek made his tour debut with a victory and great round of 83.  It looks like a field promotion coming for the Sarazen Flight.  Masek carded six pars and a birdie at the 2nd hole.  Alan Brumley finished runner up for the second consecutive tournament, this time carding a round of 92.  Brumley had five pars on the day.  Jason Hollis finished third place with a round of 93/45, including six pars and birdies at holes 13 and 17.  Lee Isham finished forth place with a round of 93/47, including five pars and a birdie at the 3rd hole.  William Senne finished fifth place with a round of 93/49/30, including eight pars.

Snead Flight:  Lale Esquivel (96), Patrick Richardson (97), Robert Viator (98), Rick Clifton (99), Bilal Jordan (100). 
Lale Esquivel made the trip down from Dallas worthwhile as he captured his second victory of the season.  Esquivel carded a round of 96, including six pars.  Patrick Richardson finished just one stroke back with a round of 97, finishing second.  Richardson carded three pars on the day.  Robert Viator finished third place with a round of 98, including four pars.  Rick Clifton finished forth place with a round of 99.  Clifton carded three pars on his round.  Bilal Jordan made his tour debut with a round of 100/50, capturing fifth place honors.  Jordan carded five pars on the day. 

Senior Snead Flight:  Lu Cormier (87), Ronny Sexton (106), Mike Innes (106), Timothy Thayer (110), Doug Mathews (111).   
Lu Cormier captured her third victory of the 2011 season with an outstanding round of 87.  Cormier carded eight pars and a birdie at the 11th hole.  Cormier’s great play of late may have earned her a promotion to the Senior Jones Flight on our next revision?  Ronny Sexton finally gets a runner up finish this season with a round of 106/52.  Sexton carded two pars and a birdie at the 5th hole.  Mike Innes finished third place with a round of 106/58, including two pars and a birdie at the 5th hole.  Timothy Thayer finished forth place with a round of 110, including two pars.  Doug Mathews finished fifth place with a round of 111.  Mathews carded three pars on the day.

In addition to the flight winners, the following players won the optional side games:

Closest to the pin ($240.00 each)
#5, Rem McGehee
#8, Rem McGehee
#11, Graeme Cole
#14, Stephen Bransburg III

Skins (A) Winners Champ/Palmer/Hogan:  $450.00 each
#8, Kevin Duke

Skins (B) Winners Sarazen/Jones/Snead:  $240.00 each
#4, Olan Benge
#7, John Scott

Prize Winners

Callaway Golf Bag & Gift Card, Rickie Brown
Callaway Golf Balls, Jeff Stahlhut
Callaway Golf Balls, Lale Esquivel

Flight Payoffs:

Palmer (9)

Senior Palmer (10)

1st - Gift Certificate

1st - Gift Certificate
2nd - Gift Certificate

2nd - Gift Certificate
3rd - Gift Certificate

3rd - Gift Certificate

Hogan (17)

Senior Hogan (16)

1st - Gift Certificate

1st - Gift Certificate
2nd - Gift Certificate

2nd - Gift Certificate
3rd - Gift Certificate

3rd - Gift Certificate
4th - Gift Certificate

4th - Gift Certificate

Sarazen (12)

Senior Sarazen (13)

1st - Gift Certificate

1st - Gift Certificate
2nd - Gift Certificate

2nd - Gift Certificate
3rd - Gift Certificate

3rd - Gift Certificate

4th - Gift Certificate

Jones (12)

1st - Gift Certificate

2nd - Gift Certificate

3rd - Gift Certificate

Snead (9)

Snead (10)

1st - Gift Certificate

1st - Gift Certificate
2nd - Gift Certificate

2nd - Gift Certificate
3rd - Gift Certificate

3rd - Gift Certificate


Golf Bag & Gift Card

Golf Balls

Golf Balls


Gift Certificates


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