
Monday, August 22, 2011

GCAmTour-Houston, Houston Tour Championship at WildCat-Lakes Results

Houston Tour Flight Champions crowned at WildCat Highlands, Houston, TX. 
Championship Flight:  John Jeffrey
Senior Championship Flight:  Randy Tadlock
Palmer Flight:  Frank Wallace
Senior Palmer Flight:  Lynn Cormier
Hogan Flight:  George Smith
Senior Hogan Flight:  Bill Mathews
Sarazen Flight:  Jeff Greenwood
Senior Sarazen Flight:  Bruce Legrand
Jones Flight:  Lee Isham
Senior Jones Flight:  Alan Brumley
Snead Flight:  Kristopher Bixby
Senior Snead Flight:  Rick Hagel

Mid-Am Player of the Year:  Frank Wallace (Six Tour Victories including one major, Horseshoe Bay).

Senior Player of the Year:  Lynn Cormier (Six Tour Victories including one major, Texas Masters at TPC San Antonio).

The Course:  WildCat-Lakes Course, Houston, TX.  The course was in good condition considering the drought, good fairways, rough, and native areas.  The putting surfaces were smooth and medium-fast, between 9-10.     

The Weather:  A beautiful day for golf with a mix of sunshine, clouds, and blue sky.  Temperatures were in the low 80’s early in the morning and warmed up rapidly to the low 100’s.  The winds were from the SSW throughout the day, 6-10mph. 

The Tournament: 

Palmer Flight:  Top 5:  Kevin Duke (73), Patrick Simons (74), Frank Wallace (76), Jim Lam (80), Blake Vincent (81).       
Kevin Duke captured his second victory of the season and earned an exemption into Nationals with his win at WildCat.  Duke carded a one-over par 73 that included nine pars and birdies on holes 4, 5, 7, and 16.  Patrick Simons finished just one stroke back and runner up with a round of 74.  Simons carded twelve pars and birdies at holes 7 and 9.  Frank Wallace finished with third place honors and round of 76, including thirteen pars and a birdie at the 17th hole.  In doing so, Wallace captured the Palmer Flight Year End Championship, well played!  Jim Lam finished with fourth place honors and round of 80, carding nine pars and birdies at holes 9 and 16.  Blake Vincent finished fifth place and just one stroke back with a round of 81.  Vincent carded twelve pars and a birdie at the 15th hole.

Senior Palmer Flight:  Top 5:  Rich Vigil (73), Walter Menuet (75), Randy Tadlock (76), Lynn Cormier (76), Jan Peebles (77).
Rich Vigil captured his second consecutive Houston Tour event, this time with a one-over 73.  Vigil was steady on the round, carding fifteen pars, two bogies, and a birdie at the 15th hole.  Walter Menuet finished with second place honors and round of 75.  Menuet carded nine pars and birdies at holes 2, 3, and 9.  Randy Tadlock finished just one stroke back with a round of 76/38 for third place honors.  Tadlock carded fourteen pars on the round.  Lynn Cormier finished fourth place with a round of 76/39, including twelve pars and a birdie at the 17th hole.   Lynn Cormier claimed the Senior Palmer Flight Year End Championship.  Jan Peebles finished just one stroke back with a round of 77 for fifth place honors.  Peebles carded ten pars and birdies at holes 5, 9, and 18.

Hogan Flight:  Top 5:  Jeff Stahlhut (80), Blake Barnes (80), Roger Masek (81), Graeme Cole (83), Jacques Bessiere (83).
 Sudden Death playoff determines winner of the Hogan Flight at WildCat-Lakes.  Jeff Stahlhut captured his third victory on the season and an exemption to Nationals on the first playoff hole.  Stahlhut pared the 1st hole to win the title.  During regulation play, Stahlhut carded twelve pars and a birdie at the 4th hole.  Blake Barnes played his way into the playoff by carding a round of 80 that included seven pars and birdies on holes 9, 15, and 17.  Roger Masek finished with third place honors and round of 81, just one stroke behind the leaders.  Masek carded twelve pars on his round, finding trouble on holes 2 and 7.  Four golfers carded rounds of 83 and it was Graeme Cole taking fourth place honors, 83/38/24, including eleven pars.  Jacques Bessiere finished fifth place with a round of 83/38/25, including nine pars and a birdie on the 11th hole.
We also had a “first” in Houston Tour history.  Shawn Didear and George Smith finished the year with identical points in the Callaway Order of Merit, WOW!  They took it to the course to determine the year-end flight champion and on the second playoff hole it was Smith making par to take the title.  Congratulations to both and well played!

Senior Hogan Flight:  Top 5:  Bill Mathews (77), Christopher Phillips (78), Michael Walker (79), Bob Miller (83), George Carlisle (84). 
Bill Mathews saved his best for last by firing his second lowest round of the year and claiming the Houston Tour Championship and the Year End Flight Championship, well played!  Mathew’s round of 77 started off with six straight bogies and went one-under on the next twelve holes, eleven pars and a birdie at the 16th.  Christopher Phillips finished one stroke back with a round of 78, carding eleven pars and a birdie at the 6th hole.  Michael Walker finished just one stroke back with a round of 79, taking third place honors.  Walker carded seven pars and birdies at holes 1 and 6.   Bob Miller finished fourth place with a round of 83, including nine pars.  George Carlisle finished fifth place with a round of 84/41/25, carding eight pars and a birdie at the 4th hole.

Sarazen Flight:  Top 5:  Gus Aldana (80), Jason Hollis (83), Rick Smalley (83), Jeff Greenwood (83), Don Koether (84).
Gus Aldana captured his third victory of the season and claimed the Tour Championship title, earning an exemption into Nationals with a round of 80.  Aldana carded thirteen pars on the round.  Jason Hollis finished runner up with a round of 83/41, carding seven pars and a birdie on the 7th hole.  Rick Smalley finished third with a round of 83/42, his lowest round of the season, including eight pars and birdies on holes 4 and 18.  Jeff Greenwood finished with fourth place honors and round of 83/43, including ten pars.  In doing so, Greenwood secured the Sarazen Flight Year End Championship, well played!  Don Koether finished with fifth place honors and round of 84.  Koether carded ten pars on his round.

Senior Sarazen Flight:  Top 5:  Olan Benge (79), Larry Viktorin (83), Jim Craig (85), Mark Maddox (85), Lanh Nguyen (86). 
Olan Benge finished the season with two straight victories and claimed the Houston Tour Championship.  Benge carded eleven pars and a birdie at the 13th hole for a total of 79.  Runner Up honors went to Larry Viktorin with a round of 83.  Viktorin carded seven pars and a birdie at the 11th hole.  Jim Craig finished with third place honors and round of 85/42, including six pars and a birdie at the ninth hole.  Mark Maddox finished with fourth place honors and round of 85/43.  Maddox carded five pars and birdies on holes 8, 9, and 12.  Lanh Nguyen finished with fifth place honors and round of 86/42.  Nguyen carded seven pars on the day.  Bruce Legrand won the Callaway Order of Merit and Year End Flight Championship for the Senior Sarazen.

Jones Flight:  Top 5:  Troy Massey (81), Lee Isham (83), Gary Gum (83), James Sheppeard (86), Clifford Glier (87).    
Troy Massey saved his best for last and carded his low round of the season, 81, to take the Tour Championship and earn an exemption into Nationals.  Massey carded nine pars on his round.  Lee Isham finished runner up with a round of 83/42, including eleven pars.  In doing so, Isham wins the Jones Flight Year End Championship over Gary Gum by only 5 points!  Gary Gum finished with third place honors and round of 83/43, including eleven pars.  James Sheppeard finished fourth place with a round of 86, including seven pars and birdies on holes 1 and 13.  Clifford Glier finished fifth place with a round of 87.  Glier carded six pars and a birdie at the 9th hole. 
The Senior Jones Flight Year End Championship came down to the wire between Alan Brumley and Lu Cormier.  At the end of the day, Brumley finished T6 and Cormier finished 12th.  Brumley takes the year-end by only 5 points!

Snead Flight:  Robert Viator (90), Patrick Richardson (93), Tim Booth (94), Jason Rich (95), Kristopher Bixby (97).
Robert Viator captured his fourth victory of the season three strokes clear of the filed with a round of 90.  In doing so, Viator earned an exemption into Nationals.  Viator carded eight pars on the round.  Patrick Richardson finished runner up with a round of 93, including six pars.  Tim Booth finished just one stroke back with a round of 94 for third place honors.  Booth carded seven pars and a birdie at the 15th hole.  Jason Rich made his tour debut with a fourth place finish and round of 95.  Rich carded five pars and a birdie at the 17th.  Kristopher Bixby finished with fifth place honors and round of 97, including one par.  Fortunately for Bixby, he was able to hold on and claim the Snead Flight Year End Championship by 65 points over Richardson. 

Senior Snead Flight:  Mike Innes (88), Rick Hagel (96), Tim Thayer (97), Marcy Glidden (97), Albert Grothe (115).
Mike Innes captured his fourth title of the year and the Houston Tour Championship with his first tournament round below ninety, 88.  Innes carded four pars on his round.  Rick Hagel finished runner up with a round of 96, including four pars.  In doing so, Hagel captured the Senior Snead Year End Championship, well played!  Innes made a run at it late and finished just 15 points behind Hagel.  Tim Thayer finished with third place honors and round of 97/46, including seven pars.  Marcy Glidden finished fourth place with a round of 97/47, including three pars.  Albert Grothe finished with fifth place honors and round of 115.  Grothe carded two pars on the round. 

In addition to the flight winners, the following players won the optional side games:

Closest to the pin ($190.00 each)
 #4, Bob Miller
#8, Lynn Cormier
#13, Marty Hodges
#17, Frank Wallace

Skins (A) Winners Champ/Palmer/Hogan:  $200.00 each
#2, Walter Menuet
#3, Walter Menuet

Skins (B) Winners Sarazen/Jones/Snead:  $55.00 each
#1, James Sheppeard
#4, Rick Smalley
#7, Jason Hollis
#8, Mark Maddox
#14, Giancarlo Mangiafico
#15, Tim Booth
#16, Alan Brumley

Prize Winners

Callaway Order of Merit

Gift Card
Senior Championship
Senior Palmer
Senior Hogan
Senior Sarazen
Senior Jones
Senior Snead

Senior Palmer
Senior Hogan
Senior Sarazen
Senior Jones
Senior Snead



G. Smith
C, Duncan
Moody Gardens (2)
R. McGehee
Moody Gardens (2)
D. Anthony
Raven Nest (4)
R. Halprin
K. Bixby
The Woodlands(4)
B. Murphy
The Woodlands(4)
A. Torres
River Ridge(4)
J. Lam
River Ridge(4)
JT Collins
Eagle Pointe(4)
J. Stahlhut
A. Brumley
High Meadow Ranch(2)
T. Flores
T. Thayer
Callaway Diablo Octane Driver
L. Isham
Odyssey White Hot Putter
R. Corbello
Callaway Jaw Wedge
C. Stavinoha
TM Ghost Putter
W. Menuet
Callaway Balls
R. Viator
Callaway Balls
A. Flores
River Ridge
L. McKinney
River Ridge
B. Vincent
River Ridge
J. Bessiere
River Ridge
S. Sater
River Ridge
C. Glier
River Ridge
T. Sells
River Ridge
P. Simons
River Ridge
K. Duke
Golf Galaxy
T. Massey
Golf Galaxy
L. Cormier
Golf Galaxy
S. Streckfus
Golf Galaxy
B. Mathews


Flight Payoffs:

Palmer (10)

Senior Palmer (15)

1st - Gift Certificate

1st - Gift Certificate
2nd - Gift Certificate

2nd - Gift Certificate
3rd - Gift Certificate

3rd - Gift Certificate

4th - Gift Certificate

Hogan (10)

Senior Hogan (10)

1st - Gift Certificate

1st - Gift Certificate
2nd - Gift Certificate

2nd - Gift Certificate
3rd - Gift Certificate

3rd - Gift Certificate

Sarazen (8)

Senior Sarazen (13)

1st - Gift Certificate

1st - Gift Certificate
2nd - Gift Certificate

2nd - Gift Certificate

3rd - Gift Certificate

Jones (13)

1st - Gift Certificate

2nd - Gift Certificate

3rd - Gift Certificate

Snead (8)

Snead (6)

1st - Gift Certificate

1st - Gift Certificate
2nd - Gift Certificate

2nd - Gift Certificate


Golf Certificates


TC Gift Certificates


Gift Certificates


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