
Monday, August 26, 2013

GCAmTour-Houston, Tour Championship at Woodforest Golf Club Event Recap, August 24-25, 2013

Jeff Zemencsik (Houston, TX) – With all eyes focusing on the upcoming Nationals Tournament at PGA West in Palm Springs, California, GCAmTour-Houston crowns Tour Championship winners and Year End Order Merit Flight Champions at Woodforest Golf Club, Montgomery, Texas.  The two-day event contested over 36 holes at Woodforest Golf Club included the Front/Back and Back/West course rotations.  The competition was intense as several flights were determined by one or two strokes.

The Course:  Woodforest Golf Club, Montgomery, Texas.  The course was in excellent condition with green tees, fairways, and putting surfaces.  The greens were smooth, firm, and fast, running between 11-12.   

The Weather:  Both days turned out to be good for golf as a low-pressure tropical weather cell circulated just off the upper Texas coast.  This provided a mix of sunshine, blue sky, clouds, a bit of drizzle, and various winds.  Temperatures were warm and humid in the morning, low 70’s and warmed up to the mid 90’s by the early afternoon.  The winds were mixed and various but predominately from the N or NE 8-13mph. 

The Tournament: 

Championship Flight:  Top 3:  Travis Nichols (71/76-147), Rich Vigil (77/74-151), Randy Tadlock (78/79-157).

Travis Nichols finished off a great season by capturing his fourth victory of 2013.  Nichols fired a matching tournament low round of 1-under 71 on Saturday, including eleven pars and birdies at holes 7, 10, 16, and 17.  He followed it up on Sunday with a round of 76, including ten pars and birdies at holes 5, 11, 15, and 18.  Nichols also captured the Championship Flight year-end Order of Merit.  Rich Vigil finished with runner up honors and a two-day total of 151.  Vigil opened with a round of 77, carding nine pars and birdies at holes 3 and 16.  The second round was better with a 74 that included ten pars and birdies at holes 11, 15, and 17.  Vigil also finished runner up for Senior Championship year-end Order of Merit.  Randy Tadlock finished with third place honors and a two-day total of 157.  Tadlock opened with a round of 78, carding nine pars and birdies at holes 9 and 14.  Tadlock finished with a round of 79, including twelve pars and a birdie at the par-4 14th hole.  Championship runner up Order of Merit went to Adam Kuzinski and Lynn Cormier won the Senior Championship Order of Merit.

Palmer Flight:  Top 5:  Martin Nealey (73/75-148), Frank Wallace (74/80-154), Evan Winograd (78/78-156), John Hunt (75/83-158), Wayne Taylor (77/82-159).

With four runner-up finishes this season, Martin Nealey came through for his first victory of 2013 at the Tour Championship.  Nealey opened with a solid round of 1-over par 73, carding 17 pars and one bogey.  Nealey followed it up with an impressive finishing round of 75, carding twelve pars and a birdie at the par-4 14th hole for a two-day total of 148.  Frank Wallace finished with runner up honors and two-day total of 154.  Wallace opened with a nice round of 2-over 74, carding twelve pars and birdies at holes 2 and 13.  Wallace finished with a round of 80, carding eleven pars.  The runner up finish catapulted Wallace to the top as he captured the 2013 Order of Merit for the Palmer Flight by the narrowest of margins over Tino Flores.  Evan Winograd finished with third place honors and two-day total of 156.  Winograd opened with a round of 78, carding five pars and birdies at holes 7, 8, 15, and 18.  The second round produced the same score of 78, including five pars and birdies at holes 5, 7, and 16.  John Hunt finished with fourth place honors and two-day total of 158.  Hunt opened with a 3-over par 75, carding thirteen pars and a birdie at the par-3 12th hole.  Hunt closed with a final round of 83, carding six pars and birdies at holes 7 and 11.  Wayne Taylor finished with fifth place honors and two-day total of 159.  Taylor opened with a round of 77, carding ten pars and birdies at holes 6 and 18.  Taylor closed with a round of 82, carding seven pars and birdies at holes 1 and 11.

Senior Palmer Flight:  Top 5:  Jan Peebles (71/83-154), Herb Reynolds (74/84-158), Kevin Turner (80/81-161), Walter Menuet (82/81-163), Robert Corbello (85/80-165).

Jan Peebles finished off a great season by capturing his sixth tournament win of 2013.  Peebles opened with a matching tournament low round of 1-under par 71, carding thirteen pars and birdies at holes 5, 14, and 16.  Peebles closed with a round of 83, carding nine pars.  With the victory, Peebles also won the Senior Palmer Flight year-end Order of Merit.  Herb Reynolds finished with runner up honors and two-day total of 158.  Reynolds opened with a 2-over par 74, carding twelve pars and birdies at holes 4 and 15.  Reynolds closed with a round of 84, carding seven pars and a birdie at the par-4 9th hole.  Kevin Turner finished with third place honors and two-day total of 161.  Turner carded an opening round of 80, including seven pars and birdies at holes 2 and 6.  Turner closed with a round of 81, carding eight pars and birdies at holes 7 and 11.  Walter Menuet finished with fourth place honors and two-day total of 163.  Menuet opened with a round of 82, carding seven pars and birdies at holes 2 and 17.  Menuet closed with a round of 81, including seven pars and a birdie at the par-4 17th hole.  Robert Corbello finished with fifth place honors and two-day total of 165.  Corbello opened with a round of 85, carding seven pars and a birdie at the par-4 5th hole.  Corbello closed with a round of 80, including eleven pars and a birdie at the par-5 11th hole.

Hogan Flight:  Top 5:  Jason Hollis (85/76-161), Jeff Stahlhut (80/82-162), Rick Keszeg (81/82-163), Lance Miller (86/81-167), Roger Masek (82/88-170), Jeff Burke (83/87-170).

Jason Hollis took advantage of some “home cooking” as the Woodforest Golf Club Member rallied from five strokes back to capture his first tour victory of 2013 and win the Tour Championship.  Hollis opened with a round of 85, carding seven pars and a birdie at the par-4 8th hole.  Five strokes down, he rallied with a round of 76 on day two for a one-stroke victory and two-day total of 161.  Hollis carded eleven pars and a birdie at the par-5 11th hole in his closing round.  Jeff Stahlhut finished off a great season with a runner up finish at the Tour Championship with a two-day total of 162.  Stahlhut opened with a round of 80, carding seven pars and birdies at holes 14, 16, and 17.  Stahlhut closed with a round of 82, carding eleven pars.  Stahlhut also finished runner up for year-end Hogan Flight Order of Merit.  Rick Keszeg finished with third place honors and two-day total of 163.  Keszeg opened with a round of 81, carding ten pars.  Keszeg closed with a round of 82, including ten pars.  Keszeg’s third place finish was enough to earn him the year-end Hogan Flight Order or Merit.  Lance Miller finished with fourth place honors and two-day total of 167.  Miller opened with a round of 86, including six pars and a birdie at the par-3 16th hole.  Miller closed with a final round of 81, carding seven pars and birdies at holes 15 and 18.  Roger Masek finished with T5 honors and two-day total of 170.  Masek’s opening round of 82 included five pars and birdies at holes 1, 2, and 7.  Masek closed with a round of 88, carding six pars.  Jeff Burke finished with T5 honors and two-day total of 170.  Burke opened with a round of 83, including ten pars.  Burke closed with a round of 87, carding eight pars.

Senior Hogan Flight:  Top 5:  Randy Tate (79/82-161), Bill Schuster (81/81-162), Randy Hodges (85/79-164), Steve Morehead (79/87-166), Bill Mathews (87/80-167), Christopher Phillips (79/88-167). 

Tour veteran Randy Tate captured his first victory of the season by winning the Tour Championship.  Tate’s two day total of 161 was good enough for a one stroke victory in the tightly contest Senior Hogan Flight.  Tate opened with a round of 79, tying Christopher Phillips and Steve Morehead.  Tate carded twelve pars in his opening round.  Tate closed with a round of 82, including six pars and birdies at holes 10 and 14.  Bill Schuster finished with runner up honors and two-day total of 162.  Schuster opened and closed with rounds of 81.  The first round included nine pars and the second included five pars and birdies at holes 3, 14, and 17.  Randy Hodges finished with third place honors and two-day total of 164.  Hodges opened with a round of 85, carding eight pars.  Hodges closed with a round of 79, including nine pars and birdies at holes 5 and 7.  Steve Morehead, visiting from the Kansas City Tour, finished with fourth place honors and two-day total of 166.  Morehead tied with an opening round of 79, carding eight pars and birdies at holes 2 and 13.  Morehead closed with a final round 87, including seven pars.  Bill Mathews finished with T5 honors and two-day total of 167.  Mathews opening round of 87 included seven pars and a birdie at the par-4 15th hole.  Mathew’s final round of 80 included eight pars.  With the T5 finish Mathews also finished off a great season and claimed the Senior Hogan Flight year end Order of Merit.  Christopher Phillips finished with T5 honors and two-day total of 167.  Phillips tied with an opening round of 79, carding ten pars and birdies at holes 16 and 18.  Phillip’s final round of 88 included seven pars.  Phillips T5 finish earned him runner up honors for Senior Hogan Flight year-end Order of Merit.

Sarazen Flight:  Top 5:  Bob Murphy (86/84-170), James Sheppeard (86/89-175), Bryan Young (93/84-177), Rick Smalley (90/88-178), Massimo Passini (88/91-179).

Bob Murphy captured his first victory of the 2013 season by winning the Tour Championship.  Murphy carded a two-day total of 170 en route to a five-stroke victory.  Murphy opened with a round of 86, carding seven pars and birdies at holes 2 and 10.  Murphy’s closing round of 84 included eight pars and a birdie at the par-5 11th hole.  Murphy’s win also catapulted him to runner up honors for Sarazen Flight year-end Order of Merit.  James Sheppeard finished a great season with a runner up performance and two-day total of 175.  Sheppeard opened with a round of 86, carding eight pars.  Sheppeard’s closing round of 89 included nine pars.  Sheppeard’s runner up finish also allowed him to claim Sarazen Flight year-end Order of Merit honors.  Bryan Young finished with third place honors and two-day total of 177.  Young opened with a round of 93, carding six pars.  Young closed strong with a round of 84, including seven pars.  Rick Smalley finished with fourth place honors and two-day total of 178.  Smalley’s opening round of 90 included four pars and birdies at holes 4 and 16.  Smalley closed with a round of 88, including eight pars.  Massimo Passini finished with fifth place honors and two-day total of 179.  Passini opened with a round of 88, including eight pars.  Passini closed with a final round of 91, carding five pars. 

Senior Sarazen Flight:  Top 5:  Tom Dyer (80/81-161), Randall Petty (83/79-162), Lane McKinney (79/84-163), Mike Innes (82/85-167), L.P. Jones (82/87-169), Greg Faubion (84/85-169).

Tom Dyer is hot at the right time and followed up his win at Walden on Lake Conroe with a victory at the Tour Championship at Woodforest.  Dyer wins the event with a two-day total of 161, just one-stroke clear.  Dyer opened with a round of 80, including nine pars and birdies at holes 3, 13, and 17.  Dyer’s closing round of 81 included nine pars and birdie at the par-4 5th hole.  Randall Petty finished with runner up honors and two-day total of 162, just one stroke back.  Petty opened with a round of 83, carding seven pars and birdie at the par-3 16th hole.  Petty’s closing round of 79 included ten pars and birdies at the par-5 11th hole.  Lane McKinney finished with third place honors and two-day total of 163, just one-stroke back.  McKinney opened with a round of 79 and the lead, carding ten pars and birdies at holes 6 and 15.  McKinney closed with a round of 84, carding six pars to finish two strokes back.  Mike Innes finished with fourth place honors and two-day total of 167.  Innes opened with a round of 82, including eight pars and a birdie at the par-4 8th hole.  Innes closed with a round of 85, including five pars and a birdie at the par-5 11th hole.  L.P. Jones made his tour debut with a T5 finish at the Tour Championship and two day total of 169.  Jones opening round of 82 included eight pars and his closing round of 87 included four pars.  Greg Faubion finished with T5 honors and two-day total of 169.  Faubion opened with a round of 84, carding eight pars and a birdie at the par-5 3rd hole.  Faubion closed with a round of 85, carding seven pars.

Jones Flight:  Top 5:  Randy Adcock (84/88-172), Patrick Richardson (89/85-174), Scott Bradley (94/86-180), Mark Moore (90/99-189), David Leird Smith (98/91-189). 

Randy Adcock, past National Champion, returned to winning form and captured his second victory of the season at the Tour Championship.  Adcock’s two-day total of 172 was two strokes clear of the field.  He opened with the lead and round of 84, carding five pars and birdies at holes 2 and 17.  Adcock closed with a round of 88, including four pars and a birdie at the par-3 3rd hole.  Patrick Richardson finished with runner up honors and two-day total of 174.  Richardson opened with a round of 89, carding six pars and closed with a round of 85, including six pars.  Richardson’s runner up finish also propelled him to runner up honors for Jones Flight year-end Order or Merit honors.  Scott Bradley finished with third place honors and two-day total of 180.  Bradley opened with a round of 94 that included one par and closed with a round of 86 that included four pars and birdies at holes 2 and 7.  Mark Moore finished with T4 honors and two-day total of 189.  Moore’s opening round of 90 included four pars and a birdie at the par-5 6th hole.  Moore closed with a round of 99, carding three pars.  David Leird Smith finished with T4 honors and matching two-day total of 189.  Smith opened with a round of 98, including seven pars and closed with a round of 91 that included two pars and birdies at holes 9 and 15.  Damian Smith won the Jones Flight year-end Order of Merit.  Michael Bell won the Senior Jones Flight year-end Order of Merit with runner up honors going to Rick Halprin.

Snead Flight:  Javier Quintero (85/94-179), Carl Eaton (97/94-191), Robert Viator (98/94-192), Jeremy Fang (100/96-196), Stephen Sater (103/96-199).

Javier Quintero put the finishing touches on a good season by capturing his third victory of 2013.  Quintero managed a two-day total of 179 en route to a twelve shot victory.  Quintero opened with an impressive round of 85 that included eleven pars.  Quintero finished with a closing round of 94, including five pars.  Quintero also finished with runner up honors for the Snead Flight year-end Order of Merit.  Carl Eaton finished with runner up honors and two-day total of 191.  Eaton opened with a round of 97, carding three pars and closed with a round of 94, carding seven pars and a birdie at the par-5 11th hole.  Robert Viator finished with third place honors and two-day total of 192, just one-stroke back.  Viator opened with a round of 98, including three pars and a birdie at the par-4 1st hole and closed with a round of 94, carding five pars.  Viator also claimed Snead Flight year-end Order of Merit honors, propelled by his seven event wins in 2013.  Jeremy Fang finished with fourth place honors and two-day total of 196.  Fang opened with a round of 100, carding one par and closed with a round of 96, including two pars.  Stephen Sater finished with fifth place honors and two-day total of 199.  Sater opened with a round of 103, carding one par and closed with a round of 96, including three pars.  Senior Snead year-end Order of Merit winner was Marcy Glidden and runner up honors went to Jim Lamberth.

In addition to the flight winners, the following players won optional side games:

Closest to the pin $225.00
Rd-1 #2, Roger Goembel
Rd-1 #9, Jan Peebles
Rd-1 #12, John Hunt
Rd-1 #16, Gary Gum
Rd-2 #3, Collier Nolte
Rd-2 #7, John Hunt
Rd-2 #12, Bill Freeland
Rd-2 #16, Collier Nolte

Skins Championship/Palmer:  $115.00
Rd-1 #1, Michael Walker
Rd-1 #9, Randy Tadlock
Rd-1 #13, Frank Wallace
Rd-2 #8, Tino Flores
Rd-2 #10, Herb Reynolds
Rd-2 #18, Travis Nichols

Skins Winners Hogan/Sarazen:  $140.00 Rd-1, $210.00 Rd-2
Rd-1 #5, Lahn Nguyen
Rd-1 #6, Lane McKinney
Rd-1 #10, Bob Murphy
Rd-1 #13, Tom Dyer
Rd-1 #14, Jeff Stahlhut
Rd-1 #18, Christopher Phillips
Rd-2 #6, Keith Gannon
Rd-2 #10, Randy Tate
Rd-2 #13, Wade Walters
Rd-2 #18, Lance Miller

Skins Winners Jones/Snead:  $25.00 Rd-1, $20.00 Rd-2
Rd-1 #1, Robert Viator
Rd-1 #3, Bryce Kocian
Rd-1 #6, Mark Moore
Rd-1, #10, Mike Murphy
Rd-1 #15, Javier Quintero
Rd-1 #17, Randy Adcock
Rd-2 #1, Robert Viator
Rd-2 #2 & #7, Scott Bradley
Rd-2 #3, #8, #14, Randy Adcock
Rd-2 #9, #15, David Leird Smith
Rd-2 #11, #13, Carl Eaton

50/50 Raffle:
Kristopher Bixby, $390.00

Walden on Lake Conroe (4)
Collier Nolte
Wilderness (2)
Bryce Kocian
Wilderness (2)
Walter Menuet
Eagle Pointe (4)
Jason Hollis
Cypress Lakes (4)
Rick Keszeg
Woodlands Player Course (4)
David Barham
High Meadow Ranch (4)
Martin Nealey
Windrose (4)
Roger Goembel
Oakhurst (4)
Olan Benge
Augusta Pines (4)
L.P. Jones
The Woodlands Country Club (4)
Mike Murphy
PING G25 Driver
Tino Flores
Cobra Amp Cell Driver
Mark Kirby
Callaway XHOT Driver
Scott Nagai
PING Scottsdale TR Putter
Frank Wallace
Odyssey White Ice Putter
Lahn Nguyen
Nike Rescue
Rick Smalley
Callaway Staff Bag
Alan Joseph
Titleiest Stand Bag
Chris Stavinoha
Bridgestone Balls
Wade Walters
Bridgestone Balls
Jeff Stahlhut
Golf Galaxy $50
Dennis Walsh
Golf Galaxy $50
Not Claimed
Golf Channel Glasses
Rich Vigil
Golf Channel Glasses
Philip Sumang
Golf Channel Glasses
Vernon Wells

Order of Merit Winners:

Order of Merit

Gift Card
Senior Championship
Senior Palmer
Senior Hogan
Senior Sarazen
Senior Jones
Senior Snead

Senior Championship
Senior Palmer
Senior Hogan
Senior Sarazen
Senior Jones
Senior Snead


Tour Championship Flight Winners:

Palmer (11)

Palmer (12)

1st - Gift Certificate

1st - Gift Certificate
2nd - Gift Certificate

2nd - Gift Certificate
3rd - Gift Certificate

3rd - Gift Certificate

Hogan (12)

Senior Hogan (17)

1st - Gift Certificate

1st - Gift Certificate
2nd - Gift Certificate

2nd - Gift Certificate
3rd - Gift Certificate

3rd - Gift Certificate

4th - Gift Certificate

Sarazen (13)

Senior Sarazen (19)

1st - Gift Certificate

1st - Gift Certificate
2nd - Gift Certificate

2nd - Gift Certificate
3rd - Gift Certificate

3rd - Gift Certificate

4th - Gift Certificate

5th - Gift Certificate

Jones (11)

Snead (8)

1st - Gift Certificate

1st - Gift Certificate
2nd - Gift Certificate

2nd - Gift Certificate
3rd - Gift Certificate



Golf Galaxy Gift Cards


Order of Merit Gift Cards


Closest to Pins

Total Prize Pool

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